Cereal, Bars, Bakery & Snacks Flavor 201®

Cereal, Bars, Bakery, and Snacks Flavor 201®

Basic Grain Overview

This section introduces attendees to the grains and immerging ingredients used most frequently in Cereal, Bar, Bakery and Snack applications. We’ll explore the impact that type of grain has on the initial taste of your product, as well as the delivery of your flavor system. We’ll discuss new grains and blends on the horizon including their benefits and challenges.

Market and Flavor Trends

This presentation will walk participants through the macro consumer trends, and micro flavor trends driving the Cereal, Bar, Bakery and Snack markets. We’ll look for innovative new products in both domestic and international markets and discuss what’s next in flavor using FONA’s proprietary methodology, Flavor Radar®.

Applying Flavor in Cereal, Bar, Bakery and Snack Products

Optimizing flavor in grain products involves whole series of dependent technical steps. Screening flavor profiles, deciding where to apply the flavor in your manufacturing process, setting the flavor level and evaluating the product the right time are only a few of the key decisions which determine the success of your product. We’ll review factors influencing form and type selection such as processing, interactions with other ingredients, shelf life requirements and flavor duration. These sessions will help you weigh the options and variables to reach the best decision when working in Cereal, Bar, Bakery and Snack applications, and we will share problem solving tips for when what tried the first time doesn’t work.

Regulatory Challenges & Opportunities

This session explores the new product and regulation challenges in the grain market and their effect on flavor creation. We’ll discuss the flavor formulation options available to meet the unique challenges of GMO, fortified, gluten-free, whole grains and fat-reduced products, as well as flavoring products with high regulatory concerns such as; ingredients with high significant safety warnings, international regulations, and flash point restrictions and regulations.

Flavors in Grain Products

Delivered by Certified Flavor Chemists this presentation will walk you through the consideration of flavor types and their use in grain based products including taste modulation, healthy fortification challenges, flavor pairing, organic and international flavors.

Sensory Descriptive Analysis: Ancient Grains

This is an exercise in language training and development where you will learn how to better articulate desired profiles with product developers, marketing, sensory, purchasing, and quality teams. Having a well-rounded understanding of desired and/or target profiles removes potential frustration during product cuttings and aids in accelerating your product development process and ultimately speed to market and speed to first dollar.

Communicating Your Flavor Needs

Getting to the ideal flavor for your project quickly depends on the quality of the flavor submissions you receive, which in turn depends on the quality of the brief you supplied to your flavor partner. This session will review the importance and value of key components of a well-written brief, such as target market, profile, processing, regulatory requirements, ingredient restrictions, and cost parameters.

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FONA Center, Geneva, IL - TBD
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