Smuzi Juice Bar Part II: Vegan Treats

November 25, 2013
Flavor Ingredients Trends

Smuzi mainly focuses on overall health and wellness through raw juices and smoothies, but out of the corner of my eye I spot a small refrigerator that has a couple of food items inside—the perfect complement to a healthy juice drink. We jumped on the chance to expand our horizons and munch on a few healthy snacks.

The products available were mostly chocolate based, but there was also a “Cleansing” Salad, homemade granola and BBQ kale chips (with the Smokehouse seasoning from the Spice House a couple of doors down.) Everything but one item that we tasted has some type of chocolate component and although not all items had nutritional information available, our knowledge of protein based snacks (and quick Google and Pinterest searches) helped us make the healthy connection to these treats.


Protein Balls

Ingredients include: Hemp protein, oats, almonds, cranberries, brazil nuts, maple syrup, honey, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon

P: The name might throw you for a loop, but these were by far my favorite! A round ball packed with ingredients like oats, sunflower seeds and cranberries, balanced with the flavor and aroma of pure vanilla extract made this the perfect treat. It included hemp protein, but by the taste you would have no idea it’s even there.

K: These treats have roughly 13 g of hemp protein each, which led me to believe they would have a noticeable protein flavor, but they don’t. Hemp protein has a nutty, plant flavor, so perhaps the oats, nuts and seeds in the recipe work as congruent flavors to mask the hemp notes. The cranberries add just the right amount of tangy sweetness to the nutty flavors. They taste delightful!


Peanut Butter Cup

P: Right off the bat this peanut butter cup reminds me of a similar dessert recipe that my mom makes for Easter—but hers have a peanut butter and powdered sugar filling (I do not think this healthy version has powdered sugar J) Regardless, it is delicious! For a vegan, gluten-free snack you would never know it. The inside peanut butter texture is crunchy with small bits of peanuts and is topped with semi-sweet chocolate creating a nice balance of flavor.

K: I enjoyed the textures with this treat. They are served chilled, which I loved, and the crunchy peanut butter and smooth chocolate coating were a terrific mouthfeel combination.  Similar to Pamela being reminded of a dessert her mom makes, I also felt the flavors were nostalgic, reminding me of childhood happiness.


Chocolate Walnut Nougat

P: This treat was very appealing to the eye. About the size of a truffle, it has a dark chocolate ganache-like outside that is very shiny with a walnut on top. The inside included a walnut nougat with a crunchy texture. This was a very decadent healthy indulgence that is perfect for nibbling on throughout the day since it is so rich.

K: “Too sinful for a vegan treat sold at a raw juice bar!” That’s what I thought when I tasted this one! The walnut nougat and walnut topping give this treat a strong nut flavor profile. It‘s rich sweetness would make a terrific choice for customers seeking an affordable indulgence.


Chocolate Mind Blowing Balls™

Ingredients include: walnuts, almonds, almond butter, dark chocolate, oats, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, honey, coconut

P: For me, these are more of what you would expect when tasting a “healthy” treat. The main ingredients are chocolate and coconut that are formed into a ball. It has a crunchy, somewhat dry texture. Overall, this was not my favorite, but if I was eating very health conscious and not wanting to go overboard, this would definitely be a go-to healthy snack.

K: Goji berries give these dense, dark chocolate balls a bit of fruit flair that peeks out from behind the heavier flavors.  They have 180 calories each, but a little bit goes a long way, so even half of one is a satisfying snack.

So, if you're in downtown Geneva and looking for interesting flavor combinations and healthy ingredient ideas, stop by Smuzi Juice Bar!