Mom Fast Facts

February 10, 2014
Consumer Moms Trends

Download the full Mom Fast Facts Report!

The State of Mom Continually Changes

Source: eMarketer, 2013

•The U.S. Census estimates that there are 82.5 million mothers of all ages in the U.S.

•The Moms market is continually self-renewing; approximately 4 million babies are born each year. 40% are to first-time mothers.

•The population of U.S. moms with children under age 18 in the household was 35.7 million in 2012.

Moms & loyalty Rewards

Source: PunchTab, 2013

•Moms will tell you more about themselves:

•81% of moms are more likely to engage if they earn points towards rewards

•73% of moms will answer polls or surveys

•36% of moms will provide more information about themselves including purchasing behavior

When Rewarded:

92% of moms will buy more of their favorite products

50% will visit a brand’s Facebook page

44% will “Like” content

59% will buy other products a brand offers

45% will switch from a competitor’s product

40% will post a review

26% will pin from a brand’s site to Pinterest

25% will Tweet/Retweet content

Moms & Dads

Source: TNS Global, 2013

Moms are more likely than dads to take off from work to care for a sick child (62% vs. 47%)

More moms than dads believe their families would find it difficult to manage everyday activities if they became sick (84% vs. 63%)

More moms than dads are relied on to be in charge of their families healthcare related decisions (90% vs. 64%)

Moms & Advertising

Source: Trillion Dollar Moms by Maria T. Bailey & Bonnie Worthy Ulman

•Only 20% of mothers said that advertisers were doing a good job connecting with mothers.

•70% said that marketers are not focused on moms in their advertising.

•On average, even the busiest moms say they read 4.1 magazines a month, with at least two of these titles delivered to their mailboxes.

•We asked moms if they would rather get information from a celebrity mom or an experienced mom like themselves.

•67% said they would more likely turn to a peer mom.

30 % of moms say they see ads that offend them.

Health & Wellness

Source: Tom Peters, in the forward to Marketing to Women, by Marti Barletta

Women account for 93% of OTC pharmaceutical purchases.

Moms & Social Media

Source: PunchTab, 2013

•74% of Moms have purchased products as a result of promotion mention in a blog.

•65% of Moms learn about a product of service through social media.

•66% view social networks as a source of information.

•64% of Moms read online reviews before making a purchase.

•56% follow up on product recommendations received on social sites to learn more.

Modern Moms vs. The General Population

Source: Neilen Company Study, May 2011

•34% of American households are home to kids under 18, but are responsible for half of all purchases of cereal, juice, fresh meat and prepared foods.

•Moms in these households are 19% more likely than the general population to engage in social networking, become a fan of or follow a brand (31% more likely), become a fan of or follow a celebrity (24% more likely), and comment on others postings (27% more likely).

•Moms account for one-fourth of all video streams occurring on social networks, and are also more likely to post their own content.

•Moms make up more than one-fifth of online video viewers and spent an average of 258 minutes viewing online video in March 2011. Compared to overall usage in the US, Moms spent 25% more time, about 52 minutes longer on average, viewing online video from home PCs.

•In broadcast primetime, ad recall levels are 8% lower among moms 25-54 than non-moms of the same age and the general population. A heavy focus on products/services tends to reduce ad effectiveness among moms.

Moms in the Workforce

Source: Current Population Survey, Bureau of Census for the Bureau of Labot Statistics

•71% of mothers with older children (6 to 17 years of age, none younger) participate in the workforce.

•72% of women earn 50% to 100% of the family household income.

Working Mothers

Source: US Department of Labor

•72% of mothers with children under 18 are in the workforce.

•Each day, more than 25 million mothers work, in addition to performing their duties as a mother, wife or homemaker.

Moms & Cause Marketing

Source: Cone Cause Evolution Study, 2010

95% of moms find cause marketing acceptable

93% of moms are likely to switch brands

92% of moms want to buy a product supporting a cause

61% purchased more cause related products in the past year

Download the full report here!



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