10 Things You Should Know: April

April 25, 2016
Consumer Dessert Flavor Ingredients Trends
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1.      Yogurt that’s not from Greece—There’s no denying our big fat Greek yogurt obsession. (It accounted for nearly half of all yogurt sales in 2013!) But the options are stretching beyond the Mediterranean. We are spotting Siggi’s, Skyr and Smari from Iceland; Noosa, Wallaby and Yulu from Australia; Gopi from India and Tarte from Vietnam. | Health Magazine

Image Source: Noosayoghurt.com

2.      Kale Sprouts—It seems there are no two vegetables more popular right now than kale and Brussel sprouts. Kale sprouts, a hybrid of Russian red kale and Brussel sprouts, combine the best of both. Imagine kale’s thick leaves and peppery flavor paired with nuttiness and adorable size of Brussel sprouts. Some things are popular for good reason. | Fine Cooking

3.      Go Ahead, Dig In!—Indulging in dessert could prevent you from consuming excess calories later. According to new research, eating something sweet activates the part of your brain that commits your meal to memory, which may help you forgo mindless munching. | Georgia State University

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4.      Sweet!—If you eat at Food Network star Jeff Mauro’s new Chicago restaurant Pork & Mindy’s, you’ll likely encounter bacon (and MANY other delicious things like the tots and homemade buttermilk ranch). To make the menu staple “pig candy,” the chefs caramelize the bacon, then stuff it into BLTs, crumble it on salads and sprinkle on sundaes. P.S. See the pic below of our very own Josh Lanagan & Chef Mauro.

5.      Happiness is…Eating Yogurt—Multiple studies have found that eating yogurt can lessen anxiety and boost your mood. In one study, participants who ate yogurt twice a day reacted more calmly to irritating stimuli than those in control groups. | Food Network

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6.      Surprising Citrus—The thin peel of the calamansi, a citrus native to southern China, is sweet, while its juice is quite sour. The fruit is most often squeezed over cooked fish or in dipping sauces. Also found in Florida and California, the citrus tastes like a cross between a lime and kumquat. | Saveur

7.      That Honey Feeling—Savannah, Georgia-based chocolatier Adam Turoni coats gooey, floral, sunshine-sweet local honeycomb in exceptionally smooth dark chocolate, and then dusts the tiny bars in edible gold. | Fine Cooking

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8.      Right On, Red—A recent study found that the color of lettuce indicates the speed of its antioxidant effect. Green-leaf lettuces contain antioxidants that act slowly, whereas red-leaf lettuces have antioxidants that act more quickly. It is worth noting that both kinds of lettuce are beneficial, because our bodies need variety. | Food Network

9.      Why is saffron so pricey?—It’s the hand-harvested stigmas of a particular crocus flower, and it takes 75,000 flowers to yield just 1 pound. Thankfully, most recipes call for just a pinch. | Fine Cooking

10.   Doughnuts vs. Donuts—“Doughnut” is the dictionary approved spelling for a sweet, often ring-shaped pastry that’s been fried in oil. The origin of the word’s shortened version are still unclear: some experts say bakers started advertising it as a “donut” in the 1920s because the spelling was easier for people who didn’t speak English to understand. Others believe the term took off in the 1950s when Dunkin’ Donuts trademarked it. | All Recipes

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Let FONA’s market insight and research experts translate these trends into product category ideas for your brand. They can help you with concept and flavor pipeline development, ideation, consumer studies and white space analysis to pinpoint opportunities in the market. Our flavor and product development experts are also at your service to help meet the labeling and flavor profile needs for your products to capitalize on this consumer trend. We understand how to mesh the complexities of flavor with your brand development, technical requirements and regulatory needs to deliver a complete taste solution. From concept to manufacturing, we’re here every step of the way.

Contact us at 630.578.8600 to request a flavor sample or visit www.mccormickfona.com.