Flavor Insight: Elderflower by the Numbers

September 5, 2016
Flavor Trends
Get the full report on elderflower here! 

Tart, versatile and trending, elderflower is appearing in expected and unexpected places alike. We're spotting elderflower in a variety of beverages and desserts as well as unique recipes for soup, vinaigrette and steak marinade. Let's take a look at where elderflower is blooming. 

The elderflower, also referred to as sambucus, is characterized by many small clusters of white flowers during the spring followed by small clusters of black/blue berries. All parts of the elderflower plant can be a nutritious addition to a meal. The elderberry is very tart, and served in jams, pies and homemade wines while the white flower can be prepared similar to fritters, batter-dipped and fried, or they can be added to salads.


Elderflower Spotlight

There are several mentions of elderflower in social media. Here are some of the highlights.

  • On Pinterest, the elderflower is featured in a wide variety of food and beverage recipes, especially desserts. We’re spotting elderflower ice cream, elderflower ice pops with lemon slices and mint, and even lemon and elderflower drizzle cake.

  • A quick Twitter searche shows mentions of elderflower like @Isaac_at_ with a recipe for apple and elderflower sorbet, @rivercottage with a sparkling elderflower wine, and @BigJayLittle with an elderberry mint julep.

  • On Food.com, 54 recipes showcase elderflower. These recipes include an elderflower vinaigrette, gooseberry and elderflower ice cream and elderflower orange jelly.


    We are also spotting elderflower in print publications. Here are some of the highlights:

  • In the April 2016 issue of Paste Magazine are seven new and exciting recipes for elderflower dishes that have been sprouting up across the country. These various recipes feature different dessert options, several cocktail recipes and even a unique steak marinade.

  • The New York Times highlighted elderflower in June 2016 with in a feature of flower-based flavored beverages . The drink “Ah, Sunflower!” calls for blanco tequila, elderflower liqueur, fresh lime juice, egg white, orange bitters, toasted sunflower seeds and an edible flower to garnish.


    Get the full report here! 


    Elderflower on the Menu

    We're spotting 485 mentions of elderflower on menus nationwide, with the top restaurant segment being fine dining. Beverage is by far the top segment featuring elderflower on restaurant menus

  • Layered Foie Mousse with Herbed Crème, Brioche Crumble and Elderflower Soup, Rover’s

  • Heirloom Tomato Salad with Elderflower Vinaigrette, Aquavit

  • Strawberry Cheesecake with Elderflower Candy, Hot Chocolate

  • Forest Bramble Cocktail with Elderberry Liquor, McCormick & Schmick’s

  • Sparkling Elderflower Cocktail, Yard House


    Elderflower Global New Product Introductions

    There are 766 new product introductions globally that feature elderflower. Europe leads the way, and the top sub-category is carbonated soft drinks, followed by beverage concentrates and alcoholic beverages.

    Products of Note

  • Bottle Green Elderflower Tonic Water, Australia

  • Bitter Truth Elderflower Liqueur, France

  • Puhoi Valley Elderflower & Pear Yogurt, New Zealand


    Download the full report here!


    Elderflower North America New Product Introductions

    There are 25 new elderflower products in North America, with an increase of 150% between 2014 and 2015. Liqueur and carbonated soft drinks are the top sub-categories.

    Products of Note

  • Kombutcha Botanica Kumbutcha Drink with Elderflower

  • Sky Valley Organics Honey Green Tea & Elderflower Sparkling Organic Soda

  • DAVIDsTEA Elderflower Spritz White Tea


    Get the full report here! 


    Let FONA’s market insight and research experts translate these trends into product category ideas for your brand. They can help you with concept and flavor pipeline development, ideation, consumer studies and white space analysis to pinpoint opportunities in the market.

    Our flavor and product development experts are also at your service to help meet the labeling and flavor profile needs for your products to capitalize on this consumer trend. We understand how to mesh the complexities of flavor with your brand development, technical requirements and regulatory needs to deliver a complete taste solution. From concept to manufacturing, we’re here every step of the way.

    Contact our Sales Service Department at 630.578.8600 to request a flavor sample or visit www.mccormickfona.com.

    Sources: Mintel GNPD, Mintel Menu Insights, New York Times, Paste Magazine, Pinterest, Twitter, Food.com