10 Things You Should Know: November
November 27, 2017Click here for the full report!
Magical seltzer, vegan Mickey D's, crazy-cute produce, spicy granola, moringa, and so much more. It's the 10 Things You Should Know for November, coming in hot.
1. Hey Babies!
Swing by the produce section and you might notice an adorable trend: teeny-tiny fruits and veggies. Restaurants have served them for years, but now that supermarkets are stocking these, home cooks can get in the action. From mini bananas, avocados, eggplant and even pineapples—this miniature trend is just too cute! | Rachael Ray Every Day

2. Cacao Juice
From the fruit that brings you chocolate — enter cacao juice. The company, Repurposed Pod is on a mission to advance cacao agriculture and improve the livelihood of the farming families by repurposing the pod in new ways. They took the pod and turned it into a bright, bold and naturally sweet, juice. It is 100% juice and can be used in smoothies, cocktails and more!

3. Halo Top Scoop Shop
Halo Top opened their first ever storefront on November 15th in LA. Halo Top’s jump into the world of physical ice cream shops comes on the heels of the company’s domination of the retail market recently. Sales of the product have been so steep that Halo Top recently overtook Ben & Jerry’s and Haagen-Dazs as the most lucrative ice cream company on the market, and one that boasts about less sugar and more protein to boot. | Eater
4. Unicorn Kisses & Dragon Whispers
The next seltzer you buy might be called Unicorn Kisses instead of Pamplemousse. In the seltzer race, Polar is going hard, and that means we now have these mini cans of seltzer with “mystery” flavors like Unicorn Kisses, Dragon Whispers, Yeti Mischief and even Mermaid Songs —l eaving what the flavor might be up to your imagination.
| Bon Appetit
5. Breakfast in Japan
In Japan, a traditional breakfast includes a mix of miso soup, rice, grilled fish, nori seaweed and pickled vegetables. However, these breakfast options are gradually being replaced by more convenient offerings such as granola. According to Mintel GNPD, new granola product introductions have increased in Japan by 220% June 2016 - June 2017.

6. Grocery Shopping
Online grocery shopping might not be for everyone. Grocery shopping is in many ways an act of love, and many shoppers enjoy doing it. According to the Hartman Group, 48% of consumers enjoy shopping in person more than online grocery shopping.
7. Chili Granola
Move over oats & honey, there’s a new granola in town. Bad Seed in Queens, NY has created a spicy granola that is described as “the spicy, crunchy bits at the bottom of a bowl of Szechuan dan dan noodles.” They recommend using it for eggs, tacos, fish and even yogurt. | Mouth
8. $900,000
...is the amount Americans spend on avocado toast every month, per data collected by the payment processing company Square. Whoa! Apparently, Millennials are not the only ones eating avocado toast. | Health

9. “Moringa is a thinga”
According to Food Business News, moringa is poised to supplant matcha and turmeric as the next hot superfood. It is rich in protein, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A. Keep an eye out for the next big superfood!

10. McVegan
An unexpected McChange. QSR giant, McDonald’s, has added an unexpected product to its menu: a vegan burger, conveniently called the McVegan. The patty is soy-based and is currently only sold in Finland. | TrendFire
Let FONA’s market insight and research experts translate these trends into product category ideas for your brand. They can help you with concept and flavor pipeline development, ideation, consumer studies and white space analysis to pinpoint opportunities in the market.
Our flavor and product development experts are also at your service to help meet the labeling and flavor profile needs for your products to capitalize on this consumer trend. We understand how to mesh the complexities of flavor with your brand development, technical requirements and regulatory needs to deliver a complete taste solution.
Contact our Sales Service Dep at 630.578.8600 to request a flavor sample or visit www.mccormickfona.com.
Sources in full report