A Special Issue of Flavor News: 3 Tips on Moving Forward
April 15, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted “business as usual” worldwide. Whatever your challenge, we want to help. How do you move forward when so much has hit pause? From product innovation to face-to-face contact, a lot has changed. After you’ve secured the health, safety and security of your employees and your partners… are there ways to make sure you’re well set to grow when everyone is fully back in action? This special virtual edition of Flavor News includes guidance, plus a message of gratitude from FONA Founder and CEO Joe Slawek.

Plus: At the link, check out a special message that includes the contact information for FONA leadership. We invite you to tap an expert to get what you need.

Download the Newsletter Here!

Plus: At the link, check out a special message that includes the contact information for FONA leadership. We invite you to tap an expert to get what you need.