Good Mood Food: 3 Trends Influencing Food & Beverage

January 14, 2021
Technical-Advice Innovation
Consumers are turning to food and beverages for comfort, nourishment and new ways of connection. And while comfort food and drinks are typically associated with cheat-day-worthy feats that are high in sugar, calories and fat, health and wellness remain a priority for consumers as the need for a healthy immune system has been amplified in prevention against COVID-19. As a product developer, you can offer craveable products by using characterizing and taste modification flavors—without upping the sugar, calories or fat—for the ultimate healthier indulgence. In this piece, Gena Tiesch, Sr. Industry Associate, notes 3 flavor trends that are influencing food & beverages today. Download the report to find out more!

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For more on comfort and indulgence, read our trend insight here!

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