Latina Moms

January 27, 2014
Consumer Moms

Download the full Latina Moms report!

Who is she?

Today’s Latina Mom is fundamentally different than yesterday’s Latina Mom, say Conill Advertising’s Hispanic marketing experts. They describe the shift as: She isn’t shedding her Hispanic heritage, but she is comfortable in her own skin and biculturally fluent.

“She doesn’t adapt to mainstream culture. She takes from both cultures and wants her children to do the same because she believes this provides independence, power and opportunity,” explains Jasper Nelissen, Conill VP/General Manager. “She wants to pass on traditions, foods and culture to her kids while teaching them to be culturally ambidextrous.”

Verena Sisa, Conill VP/Chief Strategy Officer says Latina Moms pursue their own interests, such as career growth and feel great responsibility to make things happen. She works in collaboration with her husband to care for the home and children and takes care of herself, knowing it’s tied to her family’s well-being.

Consumer Power

Today’s Latina Moms are a powerful consumer force. They are in charge of buying decisions in their homes and will have $1.5 trillion in buying power by 2015. The New York Times highlighted “the growing economic and social clout of Latinas” as presented in the recent Nielson report “Latina Power Shift.” Facts from the report include:

• 21% of Latin women earned more than $75,000 a year in 2013, compared with16 percent in 2003.

• 23% of all births in the United States in 2011 were to a Latina.

Family needs are at the top of Latinas’ shopping lists. Reflecting the prevalence of larger families and cultural nuances, Latina purchasing decisions often span many food categories.

• 86% of Latinas say they are the primary or joint decision-maker for household purchases.

• 59% of Latinas say they are the primary decision-maker for pharmaceuticals.

• 67% of Latinas say they are the primary decision-maker for food purchases.

• 55% of Latinas say they are the primary decision-maker for beverage purchases.

Latinas Give Market Opportunity

“Latinas are a key driver of economic influence, giving marketers an opportunity to establish new and loyal consumer relationships by acknowledging the needs and following the unique behavior trends of Hispanic women,” said Mónica Gil, Nielson’s senior vice president, public affairs and government relations.

Today's Latina Moms are:

• Empowered

• Opinionated

• Goal-oriented

• Bold

• Progressive

• Self-confident

• Entrepreneurial


Latinos are both more likely to be parents and more likely to be young parents than the general population, says Andy Hasselwander, VP/product development at The Latinum Network. These Millennial moms and dads are more likely to be “fusionistas,” blending their Hispanic cultural roots with their American reality. “When you look at parenting from an enrichment point of view,” he tells Marketing Daily, “they are doing things like ordering Spanish-language cable, even if they speak English, or combining both cultures in the way they cook.”

Latina Moms are Younger

Latina Moms are about a decade younger than their non-Hispanic counterparts, so they are making life/home/family decisions at an earlier time.

Observation In Action

Visit Latina Mom TV, and you’ll see the descriptors highlighted in this report clearly echoed. The site’s introductory text reads, in part: “Our mission is to empower you, Latina Moms who every day are trying to balance motherhood, careers and men while trying to juggle the never-ending stream of responsibilities of today’s Latina Mom…Be Yourself and don’t care what other people think!”

Site members discuss topics such as healthy eating, smartphone apps to help kids become bilingual and ideas for teaching children to be proud of the color of their skin.

Another site supporting the vision of today’s bold and progressive Latina Mom is Mamiverse: Empowerment for Latina Moms and Families.

Examples of topics from Mamiverse are:

• 10 Ways to Say Goodnight to Your Kids in Spanish

• For Latinas on the Go: Television on the go

• Tips for Making your Child Bilingual

• Tips for Busy Women to Find Time for Themselves

To read more about Latina Moms, download the full report here!



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