Want to go on a field trip? Try a virtual one!

February 22, 2018

What does a career in Agriculture look like?

1 in 3 jobs worldwide are in Ag!

I really enjoy learning as much as I can about food & agriculture!  So, when the opportunity to visit Syngenta, a company charged with helping farmers (big & small) grow food faster and better with less reliance on pesticides and natural resources- I was super excited!  Syngenta's Research & Development lab is in North Carolina and it is quite the facility!

Jealous? Don't be!  You can visit too, VIRTUALLY!
What does a  job in Ag look like?  One of the biggest misconceptions about a career in Agriculture is that it is only for people that want to be farmers.  Agriculture encompasses so much more!  Jobs in Agriculture are some of the most technologically advanced in the world.  Take a look - choose a career that seems interesting to you: business, food production, animal health, biotechnology, environmental services & natural resources.

Ag Explorer has set up several virtual field trips, you can visit several companies and learn about the type of work that is done there.  You will be shocked how cool some of these companies & careers are!

Virtually visit (you'll be glad you did!) these companies to learn more about them:

  • Ford Motor Company (design, engineering and testing of Ford F-Series trucks)

  • Cargill (testing, developing and marketing food)

  • Zoetis (provide medicines, vaccines, and services to improve the health of both farm & companion animals)

  • Syngenta (using analytics, chemistry, agronomy and biology Syngenta is revolutionizing the way food is grown)

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Questions? Contact Katie Sudler, Community Education Director